Monday, August 1, 2011

Day of surgery

It was a long day for me. We left real early in the morning to go to the hospital. I got there and knew something was up. Daddy and I were starting to watch Cars and I saw a lot of movement, which scared me. Daddy kept telling me to keep watching the movie, but I knew something was up. They put me on a table and Mommy and Daddy were with me and I went to sleep. I don't know what was going on but I knew it was big.

I woke up and boy was I REALLY scared and in lots of pain. I was SCREAMING!!! I couldn't lift my head up. I heard that I nearly died. I don't understand what that means but it sounds scary. I was in surgery for 2 hours. I have a mass on my brain. Well the doctors did not realize that it was bigger then they thought and they were having trouble. They finished my decompression but I was slowly getting worse.. So they had to stop.  Now I am having trouble with something called my pulse ox. I get breathing treatments. I am still critical but holding my own. I am strong so I can beat this.

Please look over my Mommy and Daddy. I need them to hold me and tell me everything will be alright. I can't wait to go home. I don't like the hospital.

The doctors say my next surgery will be about 17 hours. That is really long. They will cut my head in half!! Insert some tubes and a shunt. I don't think this is good. That sounds really scary.

Well I am getting tired and need to rest. Please keep praying for me and hope for a miracle.


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